Mingachevir State University will participate in the implementation of the new ERASMUS + project.

Mingachevir State University (MSU) is a partner of the New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems (GEOCLIC) project, which was announced the winner of the European Union’s Erasmus + program. A new project aimed at strengthening the potential of higher education is planned to be implemented in 2020-2023.

The project will be coordinated by Al-Farabi National University of Kazakhstan. Among the beneficiaries of the project are higher education institutions and relevant organizations representing Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The positive experience of universities in Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Romania will be studied within the project.

The main goal of the project is to update existing training programs using GEONETCast and GIS-ILWIS software, remote sensing and modeling technologies, thus contributing to the environmental safety of coastal ecosystems.

Along with Mingachevir State University, the local partners of the project are Baku State University, National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and International Ecological Energy Academy.