An international conference has started at Mingachevir State University

On December 8, in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Economy and Mingachevir City Hall, the Second International Scientific Conference, titled “Sustainable Development Strategy: global trends, national practices and new goals” and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev, has started at Mingachevir State University (MSU).

The International Conference is jointly organized by MSU, Gazi University, Ankara Haji Bayram Veli University  (AHBVU), Kayseri University (KAYU) from Türkiye, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) from Lithuania, Kiev National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD) from Ukraine and Kyrgyz Economic University (KEU) from the Kyrgyz Republic.

The event was attended by academic staff members, scientists and experts from higher education institutions, scientific research institutes and relevant organozations fromf 9 countries.

Firstly, participants of the conference visited the monument to national leader Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers at it.

The conference began with a minute’s silence in memory of the Great Leader and the playing of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At the opening of the international conference, rector of MSU Shahin Bayramov, Deputy Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Firudin Gurbanov, Mayor of Mingachevir City Ilham Ismayilov, rector of Gazi University Musa Yildiz, rector of Lankaran State University Natig Ibrahimov, rector of MRU Inga Zaleniene, rector of KAYU Kurtulush Karamustafa, rector of KNUTD Ivan Grishenko, rector of RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) Lucija Rutka, rector of KEU Almaz Kadyraliev, acting rector of Azerbaijan University of Technology Yashar Omarov, dean of the Faculty of Tourism of AHBVU Irfan Yazicioghlu, independent researcher Ishil Keskin Shahan made speeches.

Welcoming the participants of the conference, MSU rector Shahin Bayramov expressed his gratitude to the members of the organizing committee, speakers, authors of articles and theses, who supported and contributed to the organization of the international level scientific event dedicated to the current topic and held for the second time. Global trends of sustainable economic development, ensuring environmental stability, compatibility of socio-economic development goals with sustainable development goals, realities arising from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, balanced development of regions, sustainable energy supply, modern trends in the post-conflict period, national and international experiences in the field of quality education. He pointed out that the main results of the researches carried out on high welfare society and other topics are presented and scientific discussions are conducted. He stressed that the International Conference is planned to be held periodically, proceeding from the idea of contributing to the implementation of the tasks arising from national and international strategic documents such as Transformation of our world: Agenda for sustainable development until 2030″ adopted by the United Nations Organization, as well as “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for socio-economic development”, “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022-2026.

Noting that the interest of both local and foreign public in the conference held for the second time in the host of MSU has increased, the Rector said that a total of 562 theses and articles from our country and abroad were received and wished success to the work of the conference.

Deputy Minister of Science and Education Firudin Gurbanov expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the international scientific event held on such an urgent topic. Talking about the relevance and importance of the topic of the conference, the deputy minister pointed out that ensuring sustainable development is one of the important priorities of the state policy of the countries of the world, including Azerbaijan. Speaking about the obligations of higher education institutions in this direction, F. Gurbanov expressed his confidence that the reports and discussions to be presented at the conference will be useful, and wished success to the conference participants.  

Expressing his pleasure to participate in the international scientific conference on the current global topic in Mingachevir, the Mayor of Mingachevir City Hall Ilham Ismayilov thanked everyone who contributed to the organization of the event. Noting that the basis of the sustainable and comprehensive development strategy of our country was laid by the national leader Heydar Aliyev, I.Ismayilov stressed that this political course, which is now successfully continued under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, has turned Azerbaijan into one of the powerful states of the world. After the historic victory, I.Ismayilov noted the beginning of a new stage in the sustainable development strategy of Azerbaijan. I.Ismayilov said he believed that the International Conference, which includes global trends, national practices and new goals in this regard, would be interesting and productive.  

Then the rectors of partner universities and other guests evaluated the strengthening of academic and scientific relations between universities in the context of their contribution to the sustainable development strategy and spoke about the importance of the international conference in this regard. At the same time, representatives of partner universities expressed their readiness to cooperate on new action initiatives that will be put forward within the conference and benefit sustainable development.  

Then the plenary session of the conference was held. In the plenary session moderated by MSU rector Shahin Bayramov, guest professor of Gazi University working at MSU Cemal Yilmaz  made a report on “Future of technology and touchstones: industrial revolutions”, associate professor of LSU Gulbeniz Aliyeva made a report on “Sustainable development strategy and economic goals” independent researcher Işil Keskin Shahan made a report on “Digital Marketing and Greenwashing in the Axis of Sustainability”, as well as guest professor at MSU of AHBVU Evren Gücher, made a report on “Assessment of post-conflict development with bibliometrics and content analysis”. 

The conference will resume on December 9. The reports on sustainable development strategy, quality education, Fourth Industrial Revolution, green energy, clean environment, post-conflict development challenges, new trends in the humanities, the Turkic world, the growing role of tourism in sustainable development and other topics will be heard and discussed at the section meetings.

The work of the international scientific conference will end with the final session.

The international scientific conference was organized according to the “List of international and republican level scientific conferences and symposia to be held in higher education institutions in 2023” of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.