For applicants
For applicants
For applicants
Specialties Of Bachelor's Degree
Specialties Of Bachelor's Degree
Əziz abituriyentlər! Mingəçevir Dövlət Universiteti 2024/2025-ci tədris ilində bakalavriat səviyyəsinə tələbə qəbulu elan edir!
MDU-da artıq ənənə halını almış “Abituriyent məsləhət mərkəzi” bu il də universitetin əsas tədris binasında yerləşən kitabxanada öz fəaliyyətini davam etdirəcək. İxtisas seçimi ilə bağlı qarşılaşacağınız çətinliklərdən əməkdaşlarımızın peşəkar təcrübəsindən faydalanaraq qurtula bilərsiniz!
İxtisaslar üzrə plan yerləri, təhsil haqqı, 2023/2024-cü tədris ilində keçirilmiş qəbul imtahanlarına əsasən minimal keçid balları barədə məlumatlar:
Faculty of Engineering
№ | İxtisasın adı | Qəbul planı | Təhsil haqqı (manatla) | Keçid balı | ||
Əyani | Qiyabi | Əyani | Qiyabi | |||
1 | Ekologiya (IV qrup) | 30 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 155,7 (208,8) Ə 150,9 (-) Q |
2 | Ecological engeenering | 30 | – | 1500 | 1300 | 195,4 (247,8) Ə 185,1 (-) Q |
3 | Electrical and electronics engineering | 30 | – | 1500 | 1300 | – (212,2) Ə |
4 | Energy engineering | 30 | – | 1500 | 1300 | 213,1 (212,3) Ə |
5 | Həyat fəaliyyətinin təhlükəsizliyi | 25 | – | 1500 | 1300 | – (217,1) Ə |
6 | Information security | 30 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 214,5 (228,6) Ə |
7 | İnformasiya texnologiyaları | 75 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | – (209) Ə 215,1 (-) Q |
8 | Computer engineering | 30 | – | 1500 | 1300 | – (206,9) Ə |
9 | Computer science | 30 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | – (257,9) Ə |
10 | Transportation engineering | 40 | – | 1500 | 1300 | – (211,8) Ə |
11 | Industrial engineering | 30 | – | 1500 | 1300 | – (272,1) Ə |
Faculty of Education
№ | İxtisasın adı | Qəbul planı | Təhsil haqqı (manatla) | Keçid balı | ||
Əyani | Qiyabi | Əyani | Qiyabi | |||
1 | Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature | 50 | – | 1500 | – | 341,7 (482,4) |
2 | Dil və ədəbiyyatı müəllimliyi (İngilis dili) | 25 | – | 1500 | – | 297,2 (417) |
3 | Teaching of Physics | 30 | – | 1500 | – | 222,5 (355,3) |
4 | Primary school teaching | 40 | – | 1500 | – | 270,1 (432,1) |
5 | Teaching of Chemistry | 20 | – | 1500 | – | 217,5 (346,3) |
6 | Kimya və biologiya müəllimliyi | 20 | – | 1500 | – | YENİ |
7 | Preschool education | 20 | – | 1500 | – | 211,5 (353,2) |
8 | Teaching of Mathematics | 30 | – | 1500 | – | 280,5 (459,8) |
9 | Teaching of Mathematics and Informatics | 50 | – | 1500 | – | 219,3 (249,7) |
10 | İnformatika müəllimliyi | 20 | – | 1500 | – | YENİ |
11 | Teaching of History | 25 | – | 1500 | – | 319,1 (512,3) |
12 | Təhsildə sosial-psixoloji xidmət | 25 | – | 1500 | – | YENİ |
13 | Xarici dil müəllimliyi (İngilis dili üzrə) | 25 (Az) 25 (Rus) | – | 1500 | – | 372,9 (559,7) |
14 | Texnologiya müəllimliyi | 20 | – | 1500 | – | YENİ |
15 | Filologiya (Azərbaycan dili və ədəbiyyatı) | 20 | – | 1500 | – | YENİ |
16 | Create Date | 20 | – | 1500 | – | YENİ |
17 | Social work | 40 | – | 1500 | – | 256,5 (440,5) |
Faculty of Economics and Management
№ | İxtisasın adı | Qəbul planı | Təhsil haqqı (manatla) | Keçid balı | ||
Əyani | Qiyabi | Əyani | Qiyabi | |||
1 | Business management | 75 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 176,8 (-) Ə 167 (-) Q |
2 | Public Administration | 30 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 222,9 (-) Ə 221,8 (-) Q |
3 | Economy | 75 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 200,2 (413,3) Ə |
4 | Finance | 60 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 201,8 (-) Ə |
5 | Marketing | 60 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 164,1 (-) Ə 151,8 (-) Ə |
6 | Management | 30 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 208,5 (-) Ə |
7 | Accounting | 60 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 205,2 (315,1) Ə 232,4 (-) Q |
8 | Tourism guide | 90 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 151,7 (-) Ə 153,3 (-) Q |
9 | Organization of tourism work | 90 | 15 | 1500 | 1300 | 155,2 (224) Ə 152,5 (-) Q |
Group I
Teaching Physics
Teaching Mathematics
Teaching mathematics and computer science
Computer science
Environmental engineering
Environmental Engineering (part-time)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (part-time)
Energy Engineering
Energy Engineering (part-time)
Life Safety Engineering
Information Security
Information security (part-time)
Information Technology
Information technology (part-time)
Computer engineering
Computer Engineering (part-time)
Transport engineering
Transport engineering (part-time)
Industrial engineering
Group II
Business management
Business Management (part-time)
State and municipal administration
State and municipal administration (part-time)
Economics (part-time)
Finance (part-time)
Marketing (part-time)
Management (part-time)
Accounting (part-time)
Tourism guide
Tourism guide (part-time)
Organization of tourism work
Organization of tourism work (part-time)
Group III
Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature
Teaching Language and Literature (in English)
Teaching in primary school
Preschool education
Teaching history
Teaching a foreign language (in English)
Social work
Group IV
Teaching Chemistry
Ecology (part-time)
Group I
Teaching Physics
Teaching Mathematics
Teaching mathematics and computer science
Computer science
Environmental engineering
Environmental Engineering (part-time)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (part-time)
Energy Engineering
Energy Engineering (part-time)
Life Safety Engineering
Information Security
Information security (part-time)
Information Technology
Information technology (part-time)
Computer engineering
Computer Engineering (part-time)
Transport engineering
Transport engineering (part-time)
Industrial engineering
Group II
Business management
Business Management (part-time)
State and municipal administration
State and municipal administration (part-time)
Economics (part-time)
Finance (part-time)
Marketing (part-time)
Management (part-time)
Accounting (part-time)
Tourism guide
Tourism guide (part-time)
Organization of tourism work
Organization of tourism work (part-time)
Group III
Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature
Teaching Language and Literature (in English)
Teaching in primary school
Preschool education
Teaching history
Teaching a foreign language (in English)
Social work
Group IV
Teaching Chemistry
Ecology (part-time)
Specialties And Specializations Of Master's Degree
Specialty: 060101 Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching Azerbaijani language and literature
Specialty: 060103 Teaching a foreign language (English)
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching a foreign language (English)
Specialty: 060105 Teaching mathematics
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching mathematics
Specialty: 060111 Teaching history
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching history
Specialty: 060113 Teaching computer science
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching the subject of informatics
Specialty: 060115 Teaching in primary grades
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching in primary grades
Specialty: 060403 Finance
Specialization: Financial control and audit
Specialty: 060404 Economics
Specialization: Economic regulation
Specialty: 060405 Management and organization of industry
Specialization: Economics and management of the spheres of production and services (according to directions)
Specialty: 060409 Business Management
Specialization: Business administration and management
Specialty: 060410 State and municipal administration
Specialization: Regional administration
Specialty: 060510 Ecology
Specialization: Methods of protection and restoration of the environment
Specialty: 060608 – Power engineering
Specialty: Electricity
Specialty: 060609 Thermal Engineering
Specialization: Thermal power plants
Specialty: 060622 Land vehicle engineering
Specialization: Organization and safety of traffic
Specialty: 060632 Engineering of Information Technology and Systems
Specialization: Automated information processing and control systems
Specialty: 060649 Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources
Specialty: 060101 Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching Azerbaijani language and literature
Specialty: 060103 Teaching a foreign language (English)
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching a foreign language (English)
Specialty: 060105 Teaching mathematics
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching mathematics
Specialty: 060111 Teaching history
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching history
Specialty: 060113 Teaching computer science
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching the subject of informatics
Specialty: 060115 Teaching in primary grades
Specialization: Methodology and methods of teaching in primary grades
Specialty: 060403 Finance
Specialization: Financial control and audit
Specialty: 060404 Economics
Specialization: Economic regulation
Specialty: 060405 Management and organization of industry
Specialization: Economics and management of the spheres of production and services (according to directions)
Specialty: 060409 Business Management
Specialization: Business administration and management
Specialty: 060410 State and municipal administration
Specialization: Regional administration
Specialty: 060510 Ecology
Specialization: Methods of protection and restoration of the environment
Specialty: 060608 – Power engineering
Specialty: Electricity
Specialty: 060609 Thermal Engineering
Specialization: Thermal power plants
Specialty: 060622 Land vehicle engineering
Specialization: Organization and safety of traffic
Specialty: 060632 Engineering of Information Technology and Systems
Specialization: Automated information processing and control systems
Specialty: 060649 Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources